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UNVEILING GENDER DISPARITIES IN SCIENCE: Exploring the Roots of Female Attrition in STEM

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Mohamed Bouabdallah

Director of Villa Albertine,

Cultural Counselor of the French Embassy

Chloé Vichot

President of Dauphine Foundation USA

Ardian Women’s Club

Cordially invite you to a special evening at the Villa Albertine on May 8, 2024, starting at 6 p.m

Join us for an insightful discussion featuring renowned speakers delving into the complexities of why women may diverge from scientific studies and carriers. 3 researchers from the ‘Women and Science’ Chair will take part in the discussion :

Charlotte Alexander: Professor of Law and Ethics at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business. Researcher focusing on Gender’s Effects in Medical Residency Selection in the US.

 Elyès Jouini: Leading the Dauphine-UNESCO ‘Women and Science’ Chair, exploring the roots and consequences of gender inequalities in science.

Clementine Van Effenterre: Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Toronto. Investigates the impact of a pitching game (“Little Boss”) on young girls’ self-confidence and educational performance.

This will be followed by a Meet & Greet session with the students from MIB Dauphine visting NYC this week to meet with Dauphine alumni.


PLEASE RESERVE YOUR SEAT using the following link: https://3vep3.r.a.d.sendibm1.com/mk/cl/f/sh/1t6Af4OiGsEag7cAOZtagtTV8wESt0/8Y2CddXF-3EX


Villa Albertine


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